Nose Bleed: The First Aid

Epistaxis, or nose bleeds, are very common, especially in children. But most often, these can be easily controlled at home.

What are the common causes of nose bleed?

  1. Nose picking/ repeated nose blowing. It injures the small delicate blood vessels in the nose and hence causes bleeding.
  2. Dry climate. Dry air causes loss of moisture from the skin lining the inside of the nose, leading to crusting. Crusts, when removed, leave small raw areas inside the nose which are vulnerable to injury and hence bleeding.
  3. High blood pressure. Increase in the blood pressure leads to rupture of the small blood vessels inside the nose.
  4. Excessive use of oral or topical decongestants (nose drops).
  5. Bleeding disorders.
  6. Injuries like trauma to the face/ head.

 What to do at home?

  1. Do not panic. Stay calm. It’ll help you manage the situation better.
  2. Sit up and bend the head forwards. Making the person to lie down will make the blood trickle down the throat and into the stomach. The blood irritates the stomach and can cause nausea and vomiting. Also, sitting upright reduces the pressure in the blood vessels of nose, reducing further bleeding.
  3. Using the index finger and thumb, pinch the nose with a clean cloth or tissue. Keep the nose pinched continuously for 8 to 10 minutes to allow the blood to clot. Breathe through the mouth.
  4. Applying ice on the nose will help the bleeding stop sooner.
  5. Do not blow or pick the nose.
    Nose bleed treatment

When to seek medical help?

  1. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 2 cycles of pinching the nose for 10 minutes each.
  2. If the patient begins to faint or is feeling dizzy/ light-headed.
  3. If the bleeding was provoked by an accident or any trauma like a punch on the nose.
  4. If the patient has had previous frequent episodes of nose bleeds.
  5. If the patient is on any ‘blood thinner’ medications like aspirin or warfarin.

How to prevent nose bleeds, especially in peak of dry winters or dry summers?

  1. Keep yourself hydrated well.
  2. If your nose tends to become dry very easily, applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly inside the nose with a cotton bud will help in keeping the nose lubricated and prevent crusting and bleeding.
  3. If you are on any blood thinner medications, make sure you follow-up with your doctor regularly for the adjustment of the dosage of the medicines.

Stay calm and stay Healthy!


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